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Da Mitsborn (2007) di Brandon Sanderson
By day, Luthadel was a blackened city, scorched by soot and red sunlight. It was hard, distinct, and oppressive.
At night, however, the mists came to blur and obscure. High noble keeps became ghostly, looming silhouettes. Streets seemed to grow more narrow in the fog, every thoroughfare becoming a lonely, dangerous alleyway. Even nobleman and thieves were apprehensive about going out at night - it took a strong heart to brave the foreboding, misty silence. The dark city at night was a place for the desperate and the foolhardy; it was a land of swirling mystery and strange creatures.
Strange creatures like me, Kelsier thought.
[...] Years before, he had become the most infamous crewleader in Luthadel, and he had done it without even being an Allomancers. Mare had been a Tineye, but he and Dockson...they had just been regular men. One a half-breed with no powers, the other a runaway plantation skaa. Together, they had brought Great Houses to their knees, stealing brashly from the most powerful men in the Final Empire.
Il libro è stato pubblicato anche in italiano nel 2009 da Fanucci come Mistborn - L'ultimo impero.
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